Disley & District Flower Club

Welcome to Disley and District Flower Club Webpage

Club Meetings

Our regular meetings are every second Wednesday of the month (except August and January) at High Lane Village Hall, Windlehurst Road, Stockport SK6 8AB. However, our December meeting is usually held at the Cruising Club. Our doors open at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start.

Each month we invite a National or Area floral designer to come along and demonstrate for us, whilst we sit and enjoy their work in a friendly and sociable atmosphere.

Refreshments are provided after the demonstration when we also hold a raffle for the arrangements. The meeting closes at approximately 9.30-10.00pm. For people who wish to learn more about floral art we run workshops. We also have several outings throughout the year to houses, gardens, shows and various places of interest.

New members and visitors are always welcome. Members £60 per annum plus £2 per meeting. Visitors £9 per meeting.

Contact the Club

You can contact the Disley and District Flower Club via our website or by emailing Enquiry@ddfc.org.uk.

2025 Programme of Events

Disley and District Flower Club 2025 Diary of Floral Demonstration Dates