Leadership Team

The Leadership team (formerly known as Area Officers) is responsible for providing direction, leadership and strategy for the Flower Clubs of Cheshire, as well as chairing meetings, managing the finances, representing Flower Clubs of Cheshire at National and International events, and doing everything they can to support Cheshire Clubs and to encourage flower arranging across the area and beyond.

Janet Schofield

Janet Schofield - Chairman's Office (National Liaison)


Chairman Louise Jones

Louise Jones - Chairman's Office (Pastoral)

Provides direction to the Leadership team, CAN Team, Clubs and Members and represents Area at National level.


NAFAS Cheshire or CAN - Secretary Tracy-Anne Clancy'

Tracy-Anne Clancy - Chairman's Office (Administration & Publicity) and Treasurer

Sets financial policy and processes, manages and reports on Area finances, safeguards Area assets, provides financial advice and guidance to Clubs.


Vanessa Lees - Secretary

Maintains Area lists, sends and receives Area correspondence to/from leadership team, CAN Team, Clubs and Members.


Jean Jones

Jean Jones - Area Support Officer Flower School of Cheshire

Provides support to the Area leadership team, CAN Team, Clubs and Members as required.


NAFAS Cheshire or CAN - Support Officer - Jean Jones

Judy Gratton - Area Support Officer Financial Oversight


Beryl Cotton

Beryl Cotton - Demonstrators Representative


NAFAS Cheshire or CAN - Support Officer - Jean Jones

Pam Fleming-Williams - Judges Representative


NAFAS Cheshire or CAN - Support Officer - Jean Jones

Sharon Nolan - Education Representative


NAFAS Cheshire or CAN - Support Officer - Jean Jones

Pam Mosedale - Education Representative