
Flower Clubs of Cheshire - June/July 2024 Newsletter

May and June were always going to be busy times and we weren’t wrong. In the newsletter we celebrate the successes in the ‘Theatre of Flowers’ @ the Royal Cheshire County Show, offer our sincere congratulations to those Clubs celebrating significant Anniversaries (see Events section) including Neston Flower Society who have celebrated 65 years. More details here.

View the whole newsletter here.

Flower Clubs of Cheshire - May 2024 Newsletter

In this newsletter we look back at how we celebrated National Flower Arranging Day, enjoyed another fabulous foam-free workshop and now look forward to celebrating special Club anniversaries (see the Events section), showcasing our talents for ‘The Flower Arranger’ magazine photoshoot in July and creating a marquee full of wonderful designs at our Area show in the ‘Theatre of Flowers’ at the RCCS, Tabley. View the whole newsletter here.

Flower Clubs of Cheshire - April 2024 Newsletter

April was certainly a busy month for Flower Clubs of Cheshire and May promises to be much the same. In this newsletter we look back on a very successful Elements & Principles / Introduction to Judging day at Plumley, a workshop at Macclesfield Flower Club, meeting up with our Associates of Honour, the launch of our new logo and publicity material and we offer congratulations to everyone who competed at Harrogate Spring show.

We look forward to National Flower Arranging day, our Members’ Workshop with Mark Entwistle, celebrating special Club anniversaries, planning for our Area show in the ‘Theatre of Flowers’ at the county showground, Tabley and much more. View the whole newsletter here.

Flower Clubs of Cheshire - March 2024 Newsletter

In this issue we look forward to the Judges Instruction day at Plumley (see more information below), reflect on a fabulous workshop, and celebrate the wonderful hobby we enjoy by planning for National Flower Arranging day and our show in the ‘Theatre of Flowers’.

Please send any photos from your Club / designs at the shows during the year / forthcoming events for inclusion in the newsletter, to treasurer@nafascheshire.org.uk. View the whole newsletter here (PDF).

Area Demonstrator Training

Area Demonstrator Training is currently taking place within the Area. Any member wishing to step up to train to be an Area Demonstrator should make contact with Beryl Cotton.

Mock Test will be held on Sunday, 30th June, 2024 at Tarvin Community Centre, Meadow Close, Tarvin, Chester CH3 8LY. (A small ticketed audience).

Area Demonstrators Test will take place on Sunday, 1st September, 2024 at Tarvin Community Centre from 10-4 pm (Ticketed event which will be available in due course).

Flower Clubs of Cheshire - February 2024 Newsletter

Hello everyone. The lunar new year has commenced and spring is certainly just round the corner now, with clumps of snowdrops and crocus appearing hither and thither and catkins on the trees. Our first workshop of 2024 is now only days away, the 2024 schedule for the ‘Theatre of Flowers’ at the Royal Cheshire County Show is out (and on our website here) and training courses during the year are being finalised for you to sign up to. Also in this issue; our new name, sharing the love of flowers, Stockport Flower Club enjoys the highlife and much more…... View the whole newsletter here (PDF).

NB There is an addition to the newsletter - A fun workshop 'Let's Go Potty" at Eddisbury and Sandiway on 18th March 2024. See poster for full details here.

Note: For details of the Cheshire Show please scroll down to beneath the posters.

Royal Cheshire Show incorporating Cheshire Area Show

To be held in Theatre of Flowers, on Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th June, the 2024 theme is 'The Changing World'. You can view, download or print a PDF version of the Schedule, complete with all the classes, here.

The photo below shows the arrangement, created by Jane Tully, (in the Stark Contrast class) which won the 2023 'Best Individual Exhibit in the Show' (left) and Runner Up arrangement by Arthur McDonald (in the Converging Lines class).

The 2023 Best Individual exhibit in the show by Jane Tully and runner-up Arthur McDonald

Members' Newsletter - January 2024

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year. So, the decorations are all packed away, January sales are nearing their ‘last day’ and New Year resolutions are starting to fade (?) but there’s plenty to look forward to in 2024. Grab your diaries and start planning…….more details here.

Photo of  flowers


Newsletter - December 2023 - Supplement

The December newsletter supplement has very useful insurance renewal points to bear in mind and a members' workshop with Alison Cooper has some innovative foam free ideas to share with members to brighten us all up ready for Spring - a floral rainbow and a Kokedama table centre. Read more details here.

Photo of Alison Cooper and flower arrangements


Members' Newsletter - December 2023

Yes – it’s that time of year again and as well as our Cheshire flower clubs festive events and activities, our younger floral designers created Christmas tree decorations out of birch twigs and other natural materials. More details and how to create the designs below can be found in the newsletter. Before we know it, we’ll be singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ and welcoming in 2024. The first few months of the New Year look very exciting for Cheshire Area. We have 2 Members Workshops organised in different parts of Area plus Cheshire will be offering demonstrator training early in the New Year. Read the full newsletter here.

Christmas decorations made by NAFAS Cheshire younger floral designers


Members' Newsletter - November 2023

The countdown to Christmas is full steam ahead – evidenced by the number of Christmas themed floral events taking place throughout Cheshire in November and December.

A photo of a Christmas floral arrangement


In the November issue there is an opportunity to choose your Christmas cards (if you haven’t already done so), look forward to a variety of Club Christmas demonstrations coming soon and find out how two of our Area members have featured in other newsletters - home and away!

NB there are instructions on how to create the above Christmas display if you scroll down our flower arrangement page.

View or download newsletter here.

Members' Newsletter - October 2023

The Cheshire Area newsletter is celebrating its ‘First Anniversary’! How quickly the year has flown. The first issue initially went out to the 37 Club representatives and since then the distribution list has grown to several hundred!

The photo is from the Area Education Day held on 22nd Oct 2023 at Tarvin


October has been a very busy month with the appointment of a new National Chairman of NAFAS (Cheshire’s own Nicky Wylie – congratulations Nicky and we wish you every success in your role), the Area AGM followed by the demonstration by Cherie Nummy, Judges Refresher Day and Education Day.

In this issue there is an opportunity to ‘meet the Cheshire team’, catch up with News from National, choose your Christmas cards (if you haven’t already done so) and look forward to Club Christmas demonstrations, coming soon.

View or download newsletter here.

Members' Newsletter - September 2023

Welcome back to the Cheshire Area newsletter after our summer break. Although the summer weather wasn’t the best, typically it warmed up when the schools went back! Autumn is now gathering a pace and mince pies are in the shops! You’ll be pleased to note, that the NAFAS Christmas cards, diaries and calendars have now arrived (more details in this newsletter)!!!

Also in this issue, we have a round-up of news from the Shows, forthcoming Area events and refresher days plus a look ahead to 2024.

View or download newsletter here.

Members' Newsletter - July/August 2023

Typical, isn’t it? We were wishing for rain to water the garden when the last newsletter went out and here we are, umbrellas at the ready ……… Yes – this is a British summer! In this issue, we have a final round up of National Flower Arranging Day designs, get out and about in Goostrey and of course celebrate the success of the Area Show at the Royal Cheshire County Show.

September sees more design talent in close proximity as the Interflora World Cup comes to Manchester. Check out our ‘Autumn Events’ section for our next workshop session, judges and demonstrator days plus our AGM plans (all welcome). Also, some exciting news in ‘News from National’.

View or download newsletter here.

A National Flower Arranging Day Photo

Members' Newsletter - June 2023

In this month’s issue, we are sharing some more stunning designs created for the Coronation and National Flower Arranging Day at the beginning of May plus more designs from the National Show at Gloucester and Malvern Spring Show. We also ask the question; Can you help the CAN team?

As requested at our recent Club Representative’s Forum at Frodsham, we also have a new section entitled ‘News from National’ as we share information from HQ. Looking forwards, the Interflora World Cup is being hosted in Manchester in September – read the newsletter for further details. View or download it here. Below a photo of a stunning pedestal created by South Cheshire.

A National Flower Arranging Day Photo

Members' Newsletter - May 2023

What a busy month May has been so far. Floral creations appearing everywhere for National Flower Arranging Day (5th May), the Coronation and a National Show (oh, and Liverpool hosting the Eurovision!).

This issue is a celebration of the floral design talents of our Area members as we showcase some of the creations from the National Show and National Flower Arranging Day.

A National Flower Arranging Day Photo

View, download or print our May 2023 PDF Newsletter here.

Members' Newsletter - April 2023

Flowers seem to be appearing everywhere now – a real treat for us flower lovers to enjoy. In this month’s issue; Workshop round up, Showtime, National Flower Arranging day and introducing Flowers from the Farm.

View, download or print our April 2023 PDF Newsletter here.

March's Newsletter can still be viewed here.

Contact a Demonstrator, Judge or Teacher

Looking for a flower arrangement demonstrator, judge or teacher? Visit our demonstrators, judges or teachers contacts pages where you can send a message to one or more and download a full contact details.